Weddings & Couples

Heather & Mike, Engagement

Here are a few shots from the engagement shoot from a couple weeks ago with Heather and Mike.  The day started out nice and sunny, but the clouds quickly rolled in.  I was hoping for some nice fall sun streaming in through all the colored leaves, but the nice even overcast light is just as good!

We had a good couple hours roaming around the Paletta Mansion grounds in Burlington.  I was happy to have the opportunity to go here as Id never been and its a realy nice place.  Probably not somewhere I would head on my own as I was not only unaware it existed, but had I known I would have assume it was closed to the public.  A popular location for weddings, but also just for a nice stroll through the autumn leaves.

Stephanie & Patrick

Pat was a friend of a friend from many years ago.  Back in the college days in one of my original bands, Pat was a friend of the vocalist/guitarist and would come out to our shows.  We stayed in touch over the years, jabbing each other occasionally on MSN and Facebook about bands, drummers, and other musical things.  A couple years ago when I saw he was engaged, I offered to shoot for him, and they were kind enough to take me up on the offer.

This was a nice day, with beautiful weather, a lovely church, and another trip down to the Distillery district.  The highlight was probably learning of Pat's great crafting skills, as Illustrated in the nice card he made for Steph, the string of thank-you letters, and most of the things on the table at the reception.

It was a nice day and I was quite happy with alot of the shots I got.  Here are a few of my favorites...

Probably one of my favorite shots to date.  Not sure why, I just realy like it.

Another one of my all time favs I think.  All receptions should have a subtle fog machine running to add great atmosphere like this.

Ira & Shawn

I met Ira and Shawn when I responded to a kijiji ad.  They were selling some camera gear as Ira is a videographer.  When I went over to their house to pick it up, we ended up talking cameras for a while and when I noticed her engagement ring, I asked if they needed a photographer for the wedding.  Im glad I did!  I don't always speak up when I see engagement rings... but I try to as often as I can.

We made a perfect decision in asking Aaron to shoot our wedding. He was everywhere at once, it seemed, and yet invisible — unobtrusive, interacting skillfully with the guests only as needed. Friendly and competent in giving instruction to friends & family for some of the more “formal” shots. During the ceremony & reception, we didn’t need to instruct him on which moments were more important than others to capture, when doing both was impossible; he made all the right choices. Extra points for staying late, too, as the ceremony and reception were off-schedule from the first minute. The stylistic editing was exactly what we wanted. Overall, amazing!

-Ira & Shawn

This was a small wedding, and a bit shorter than a full day, but it was a great location at the Mill in Ancaster.  I drive passed it all the time when I'm in the area visiting my parents, though I haven't actually been there since I was a kid.  It realy is a very picturesque location and made for some very nice backdrops.  Unfortunately we started to run out of light quickly as the ceremony was at 6pm, so we were unable to do some of the shots Ira and I had in mind.  However, on the plus side, the shot on the bridge with the flashes turned out very nice as an alternate to the original plan for the bridge.....  Always adapting.  Overall a great day with great people.

Here are a few of my favorites from the day...

And a small bonus...

Karen & Brian

I thought the previous wedding was last minute, but this one beat that record by a few weeks!  I got a call from Karen after my friend Julie had recommended me to her.  She was looking for someone to shoot for them in about a week and a half!  Fortunately I was free and was able to attend the wedding.

This was a short day, and a small wedding, but it was great to be able to shoot for Karen and Brian at the Cutten Club in Guelph.  Definitely a picturesque backdrop for a ceremony if ever there was one.  

While they were not really looking to have a photographer for the day,  I'm glad Julie convinced Karen to give me a call, and hopefully after receiving the images I've put together for them, they will be glad they did.