Weddings & Couples

Sabrina & Josh - Engagement

Josh is a friend my brother-in-law, Don.  Josh runs a few coffee shops, and since Don loves his coffee, I'm sure Don also loves his Josh.  Over his nth cup, Don mentioned me to Josh, and here we are!  This was a nice afternoon/evening, despite it being a rather cold day, but that's the price you pay for nice fall colors most of the time.  It was also nice to shoot around the Dundas area where I grew up, at places I'd been to many times, but never with a camera to shoot.  It was also super easy to work with them as I could literally say LOOK HAPPY NOW! and they could turn it on like a switch, and were genuinely sharing a nice moment whenever I asked.  So, it was a quick few hours, but we got some great shots...

Melissa & Corey

This was the last wedding of the season.  I'd met Melissa when I was at the optometry office where she worked, doing some headshots for the staff.  We talked about her upcoming wedding, and while that was almost 2 years ago, finally, here we are.

While this was only a half day wedding, it seemed I ended up with many more shots than I was expecting... which is always a good thing.  The Mill in Cambridge is always a nice place to shoot, so its pretty easy to find a nice place to aim the camera.  We also had great weather for the end of the season... probably one of the last nice weekends.  So, it came together to make for a nice quick day of shooting.  It was nice to shoot for Melissa and Corey, as they're very laid back, and were up for anything.  It was also interesting to compare my last wedding from here from years ago, to this one now, to see how I've personally evolved.  The shots we got in the evening on the balcony were some of my favs, and I remember last time, not feeling it as much.  So, going in knowing what to expect, and having a better eye now, I think they turned out very nice.  So, overall, personally I think I've come a long way since my first trip to the Mill, and hopefully Melissa and Corey can reap those benefits!

Here are a few of my favs from the day...

Josie & Neilson

I was glad to have met Josie and Neilson... quite a pair.  On one hand crazy exuberant, and the other quiet and collected.  Guess which is which!  Though, both just very nice, down-to-earth, honest people, who were comfortable being themselves, and letting me be myself as well.  So much so they said I should wear shorts to the wedding if that would make me more comfortable (I took them up on that offer, during the reception)! 

The beauty and realism through which Aaron captured our special day speaks volumes to his creative vision, impeccable timing and connection to his clients. He showed great respect for our traditions while suspending some wild party moments in timelessness. We are overjoyed and tremendously grateful for Aaron’s talents and having shared these precious moments under his watchful eye. Amazing job Aaron, quite simply - amazing!
— Josielynn & Neilson

It was so easy to work with both of them, it realy was a day that, despite being the longest wedding I've done to date, flew by and never left me feeling like I was waiting for something, or lacking in interesting things to shoot.  Ontop of that, their appreciation for all my effort as well as the images I've given them was awesome, and rarely have I felt that my work honestly meant as much as it did to a client than it seemed to mean to these two.  So, as usual, here is a brief summary of the day...

I didn't even know I had this shot until I reviewed all the shots days later.  I couldn't have gotten this shot if i planned it and tried for 10 days straight (the bouquet being frozen perfectly infront of my flash on the other side of the room).

Meghan & Sean

When I first met with Meghan and Sean and they described how they were planning their wedding day, I was optimistic at what they had in mind.  While we didn't get much passed the description of "the wedding will be at Sean's parent's house", I pretty quickly envisioned how I hoped things would look.  A wedding at a house can be a tricky thing, as a house isn't realy a place that's designed to hold lots of people, or be a well lit make-up studio, or a cool dance venue.  Fortunately, the day did no disappoint.  Sean's parents had recently finished construction on the house and grounds and they were pretty awesome as you can see.  So when you have a great backdrop to work with, and are welcomed by a great family to "make yourself at home", and get to shoot 2 people who are used to being under the spot light, it makes for a good day of shooting indeed.  Here are some of my favorites from the day...

For us, working with Aaron meant confidence and peace of mind. We could relax knowing that all the special moments of our wedding would be captured beautifully. Aaron came through with such a wonderful collection of photos that we get to experience the joy of our wedding day again and again. Thank you Aaron!

— Meghan & Sean