Weddings & Couples

Kathryn & Chris

I'm glad Kathryn and Chris were my first wedding of 2018, and my first wedding after my break last year.  Another great couple who, more than anything, just wanted to have fun on their wedding day, and not get hung up on all the perfect details.  Inevitably during the day, couples get flustered because something has gone slightly off plan or off schedule, and I end up reminding people that weddings never go according to plan, and to just enjoy things as they come.  But, I don't think that ever came up with Kathryn or Chris!  Of course we had a few delays, our photo location was closed, but everyone kept on smiling and, in the end, it all worked out just fine!

Aaron is a patient and very easy to work with guy. We knew going in that his work was amazing, but working with him on our wedding day was a dream. Even with a few bumps in the day and some disorganization, he managed to save us and help deliver some fantastic photos. Definitely glad we found him to document our special day! Thanks Aaron!
— Kathryn & Chris

While this was only a half day of shooting for me, it was nice to get back to Dundas, where I grew up, and photograph for them in places I'd run around as a kid.  Since our primary photo location was unavailable, I was able to suggest an alternate, and get us there quickly.  Local knowledge!  Overall, it was a fast and fun day, and a great way to start the year.   Here are a few of my favorite shots from the day...

Nicole & Bruce - Engagement

After taking some time away from photography in 2017, it was nice to get back into it again with Nicole and Bruce.  As I've said many times before when posting my shots, I always seem to luck out with getting great people to work with, and Nicole and Bruce were no exception.

Ahhh!!! I love them! Great job Aaron, I’m so happy we have you to capture our wedding day on camera!
— Nicole

With a bit of a doubtful start to the day due to weather, we ended up having a great walk along the beach, and ended up with some sun after all by the end.  It's always fun to work with people who are just there to have a good time, and who genuinely are just happy being with eachother... it makes my job so much easier.

So, it was literally a nice way to get my feet wet again after a little break (thank you lake).  Here are a few shots from the day...

Steacy & Joe

This was a great way to wrap up the year.  After a short Skype conversation, I I knew Steacy and Joe were going to be great to work with.  They're both very easy going, never seeming to take anything too seriously.   Joe and I do similar work (when I'm not photoing I do visual effects and animation), and when we had the usual meeting to take care of the contract earlier this year, Joe and I probably spent just as much time talking computers, software, and rendering, as we did talking about the wedding day.

They definitely planned some fun and unique things for this Halloween themed wedding.  There were masks, piñata, and a giant dancing LED robot man... JBOT!   Alot was jammed into the day, and it seemed to go by super fast, as usual.

So, while it was a bit cool outside, we lucked out with sun in the afternoon, and some nice overcast light in the evening for our quick walk around downtown.  All in all it was a great day, and it was lots of fun spending the day with these two.  Here are a few of my favorite shots...


Melissa & Dan

Melissa is an old family friend.  My parents and her parents were friends, and I've know her basically since she was born.  Her parents are also my god-parents.  One family was always visiting the other, and between her sister and my sister, we were always playing together growing up.  When she announced her engagement to Dan last year, I said I would be happy to shoot for them.  We did an engagement shoot last fall, which you can see here.

It was great to be able to get both our families together again on the wedding day.  While we don't get together as often as when we were young, our families do still occasionally get together.  So, while I was officially "working", it was nice to have my whole family there too, to actually see what I do at weddings finally.  During the reception, my son was constantly running up to me and hugging my leg, and then running around on the dance floor with the other kids.  He had a blast!

The day seemed to go by very quick, as most do.  As always, the Grande Olympia is a very nice reception hall, and the garden for the wedding was completely new to me as I'd never noticed it there before.  We were treated to great weather, despite the fact we are getting a bit late in the season.  Here are a few of my favs from the day...