
I don't usually write many paragraphs, but when I do, its about camping.

I haven't been camping in a man's age.  I really don't think I had much desire to go though.  We used to go all the time when we were kids, and it was usually with Andrew, and his brother Tom, and their parents.  I think the last time I was camping was just with Andrew and Tom, and we went to Sauble Beach and it poured rain the entire time.  So much so that we had to dig trenches around the tents to keep them from being flooded, and we spent pretty much the entire time under a tarp suspended over the table, playing magnetic chess beside a citronella candle.  So, with that being the last memory I had, I guess I wasn't keen on going back for me.  But after Andrew told me he was planning a bike trip up to Tobermory, I thought Id tag along.  In the end, I wasn't able to go on my bike due to an arm injury, but that gave me a chance to finally get my car back on the road. 

It was a 4 day trip (for me, Andrew kept going after I headed home) to Tobermory Prov. Park.  We were pretty much the only people in the general area of where we were in the park.  There was 1 other tent a few spots down but I don't think I saw them once.  At night it was black, and cold.  If you walked down to the lake, out of the cover of the trees, the stars were super bright and you could actually make out what was around you, but stepping back into the trees and it was liking walking back into a wall of dark. 

Despite the cold, and the fact that I had to sleep on the floor of my car, it was a good time and let me get away from the city for a while and leave some worries behind.